
VR traveling

VR traveling



The term "first year of VR" was coined around 2016, when VR goggles and 360-degree cameras that easily capture VR images were available for tens of thousands of yen, and VR image data captured with 360-degree cameras could be instantly shared through social media such as Facebook and YouTube The data of VR images captured by 360-degree cameras can be immediately shared through social media such as Facebook and YouTube. Many elderly people in welfare facilities need rehabilitation and have difficulty going out freely, adding to the problem of inactivity in their lives due to the refraining of elderly people from going out under the influence of COVID-19. We are focusing on the use of VR experiences as one way to cope with the inability to go out freely. Active seniors who have acquired the skills to shoot and edit VR images through workshops are asked to shoot VR images of local sightseeing spots that change with the seasons, and share them with seniors who are restricted from going out. It will be possible to stand and look around in VR at the outside world that they had given up on being able to experience. One of the reasons we are focusing on providing VR experiences at welfare facilities is that VR elicits spontaneous physical movement from those who experience it. Standing amidst cherry blossoms and autumn leaves as far as the eye can see, people will naturally look around while shouting. This is an element that can lead to rehabilitation of motor functions. In addition, VR experiences of memorable places may bring out past memories like reminiscence. In fact, continuous VR experiences have led to the expansion of the range of motion of the cervical spine and improvement of spatial cognitive functions. Active seniors can play a significant role when developing such welfare applications of VR. Under the current circumstances where the elderly are discouraged from going out, active seniors who are unable to travel can exchange VR experiences with other active seniors. The fact that one's own experiences are useful to others will motivate active seniors to participate in VR video production, and continued participation in VR video production may in turn contribute to the maintenance of active seniors' health. This is an example of how the use of digital data is creating a new form of social participation.




ICT を活用したアクティブシニアの活躍. 病院設備, VoL.64 NO.3 2022年7月号 361号, 日本医療福祉設備協会, 2022

ICT を活用したアクティブシニアの活躍. 病院設備, VoL.64 NO.3 2022年7月号 361号, 日本医療福祉設備協会, 2022


Daisuke Uriu, Kenta Toshima, Minori Manabe, Takeru Yazaki, Takeshi Funatsu, Atsushi Izumihara, Zendai Kashino, Atsushi Hiyama, and Masahiko Inami.

Generating the Presence of Remote Mourners: a Case Study of Funeral Webcasting in Japan. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 629, 1–14. DOI:

Generating the Presence of Remote Mourners: a Case Study of Funeral Webcasting in Japan. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 629, 1–14. DOI:



VRを用いた高齢者の自律神経活動調整のための基礎的検討:ベースラインを統制した若年健常者での検証実験, 第26回バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,2B2-6, 4 pages, 2021.

VRを用いた高齢者の自律神経活動調整のための基礎的検討:ベースラインを統制した若年健常者での検証実験, 第26回バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,2B2-6, 4 pages, 2021.


登嶋 健太, 佐々木 智也, 宮崎 敦子, 稲見 昌彦, 檜山 敦

アクティブシニアによるVR旅行映像制作と活用事例,第25回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会.2020.9

アクティブシニアによるVR旅行映像制作と活用事例,第25回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会.2020.9


濵田 佳歩, 二瓶 美里, 中村 美緒, 檜山 敦, 登嶋 健太,

VRを用いた高齢者の自律神経活動調整のための基礎的検討, 第25回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会. 2020.9

VRを用いた高齢者の自律神経活動調整のための基礎的検討, 第25回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会. 2020.9