檜山 敦


一橋大学 大学院ソーシャル・データサイエンス研究科
東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター 特任教授


檜山 敦

Professor, Graduate School of Social Data Science
, Hitotsubashi University
Project Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

東京大学工学部卒。同大学院情報理工学系研究科修士課程修了、同大学院工学系研究科博士課程修了。博士(工学)。人間拡張工学、複合現実感、ヒューマンインタフェース、機械工学が専門。身体スキルをデータ化し、追体験可能にする技能伝承システムや、超高齢社会をICTで拡張するジェロンテクノロジーの研究、社会実装に取り組んでいる。「ひとりの一生、100年」と捉え、心身を活性化するバーチャルリアリティ技術、自律流動型社会参加システム「GBER」等を研究している。東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科特任助教、同大学先端科学技術研究センター講師、特任准教授 (-2022.3)、理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センター身体知伝達技術チームリーダー(2017-2020)を経て、2022年4月に一橋大学ソーシャル・データサイエンス教育研究推進センター教授。東京大学先端科学技術研究センター特任教授を兼務。Laval Virtual Trophy、IFIP Accessibility Awardなど受賞。著書に『超高齢社会2.0 クラウド時代の働き方革命』(平凡社新書)。


Professor Atsushi Hiyama graduated from the University of Tokyo with a B.Eng. in 2001 and M.Sc. in 2003 in Information Science and Engineering, and received a Ph.D. in Engineering in 2006. His research interests center on designing and implementing virtual reality, Augmented Human, and human-robot interaction systems. He aims to design a society in which we can participate throughout our 100-year life by using such technologies. He invented a fitness-training system for older adults using virtual reality. He is currently promoting the social participation of the elderly through ICT: social networking services, crowdsourcing, and teleworking using virtual reality and robots. He received the Laval Virtual Trophy in 2005 and IFIP Accessibility Award in 2011.

We believe that there are two axes of academic classification. The first axis ranges from theoretical to practical research, and the second axis ranges from linguistic to non-linguistic forms of expression of research. Among the disciplines covered in social data science, engineering, commerce, and law covers from non-linguistic to linguistic expression in practical research fields. In the theoretical research fields, informatics, statistics, and economics covers from non-linguistic to linguistic expression. Through study and research in social data science, students will acquire the ability to intervene to the world from theory to practice, linguistic to non-linguistic, which will give them great confidence in designing the social systems of the future. In particular, our country is entering an unprecedented hyper-aged society. The various challenges facing our society are somewhat caused by this demographic trend, and we will be the first in the world to tackle them.People cannot realize what they cannot imagine. Society is an art of humans, and it will move in the direction that people have envisioned. We must expand the scope of our imagination through learning about how we would like to live, and seeking and creating what is necessary to achieve this will be a sure compass for our future.


修士課程 篠田 大樹Master Course Hiroki Shinoda

客員研究員 齋藤 亮太Visiting Researcher Ryota Saito

客員研究員 甲斐 隆之Visiting Researcher Takayuki Kai

研究補助員 槇野 岳志Research Assistant Takeshi Makino