



[el]は“育つ”という意味を持つ語根で、多様性のある人材が働くことのできる未来を創造し、個々が持つ能力を発揮できる環境を創ることで、一人ひとりが社会とともに育っていく生態系を育むプロジェクト。 “el”では、ワークフィールドで求められる能力 / 経験を“element”として顕在させ、多様性に富んだ個々の能力 / 経験を集積し、それぞれの働き方をオーダーメイドするかのように人材と働く現場とを情報技術を用いて呼応させていくAIプラットフォームの創造を目指す。 能力や経験を一人ひとりの “element”(要素)として抽出し、分解していき、働く環境にあわせて、再び統合することで、「ひとりの一生、100年」の時代を迎える私たちの日々を根底から支える新しい就労環境の設計を構想する。 若くしてライフイベントに直面しても、仕事の第一線を退いても、障害を抱えても、セカンドスキルを活かしたい想いにも対応し、一人ひとりが能力を発揮でき、誰もが不安なく自立した生活基盤を維持できるように個と社会がともに育つ環境を創造し、社会実装していくことを目指す。 柔軟な働き方と多様な人材の社会参画を達成するためには、ジョブマッチングにおける「経験知」を学習し、技術革新や人材の成長に対応して、人と仕事とを結びつけるテクノロジーが必要となる。仕事をタスク分解し、多様な人材のプロファイルとアベイラビリティを集積することで、バーチャルな人材を構成するモザイク就労でワークフィールドへの参加機会を拡げるスキルオーケストレーションの実践。現在の自分のスキルセットと将来取り組みたい仕事に要求されるスキルセットとのギャップを可視化することで、研修プログラムや新たな能力獲得につながる仕事とのマッチング、他者のスキルによる補完、テクノロジーとの融合をも含めて多様な人材の「能力の拡張」を目指す。

[The word "el" is rooted in the word "nurture," and is a project to create a future in which diverse human resources can work, and to foster an ecosystem in which each individual can grow together with society by creating an environment in which each individual can demonstrate his or her abilities. In "el," the abilities and experiences required in the work field are made manifest as "elements," and the abilities and experiences of a rich diversity of individuals are accumulated to tailor-make each individual's way of working. We aim to create an AI platform that uses information technology to match human resources and workplaces, as if each work style were tailor-made. We envision the design of a new working environment that will fundamentally support our daily lives in the age of "100 years in one's lifetime" by extracting the abilities and experiences of each individual as "elements" (elements), breaking them down, and reintegrating them according to the working environment. We envision the design of a new work environment that will fundamentally support our daily lives in this era of "one lifetime, 100 years. We aim to create and socially implement an environment where individuals and society can grow together so that each person can demonstrate their abilities and everyone can maintain an independent life foundation without anxiety, whether they face life events at a young age, retire from the front lines of work, have disabilities, or desire to utilize their second skills. To achieve flexible work styles and the participation of diverse human resources in society, technology is needed to learn "experiential knowledge" in job matching and to connect people and jobs in response to technological innovation and human resource growth. Skill orchestration practices that expand opportunities for participation in the workfield through mosaic employment that constitutes a virtual workforce by breaking down jobs into tasks and accumulating the profiles and availability of diverse human resources. By visualizing the gap between one's current skill set and the skill set required for the job one wants to work on in the future, the goal is to "expand the capabilities" of diverse human resources, including matching them with training programs and jobs that lead to the acquisition of new capabilities, complementing them with the skills of others, and integrating them with technology.



檜山 敦

貢献寿命延伸への挑戦!~高齢者が活躍するスマートコミュニティの社会実装~,Aging & Health,pp38-42,第31巻第3号,公益財団法人 長寿科学振興財団

貢献寿命延伸への挑戦!~高齢者が活躍するスマートコミュニティの社会実装~,Aging & Health,pp38-42,第31巻第3号,公益財団法人 長寿科学振興財団


菅原育子/ 檜山敦/ 秋山弘子 /今城志保




Atsushi Hiyama/ Masatomo Kobayashi/ Hironobu Takagi/ Michitaka Hirose

Mosaic: collaborative ways for older adults to use their expertise through information technologies. SIGACCESS Access. Comput., 110 (September 2014), 26–33

Mosaic: collaborative ways for older adults to use their expertise through information technologies. SIGACCESS Access. Comput., 110 (September 2014), 26–33